Vulnerability Disclosure

Listed below are potential vulnerabilities raised against ERA products, software and services. In addition to the issues raised are the actions taken by ERA Home Security Ltd.

Date RaisedProductVulnerabilityDate of responseResolutionResolution date
7th January 2019ERA Floodlight Camera & ERA Outdoor Camera Camera remained connected to external service after removal from account and based on data traffic analysis, the camera continues to transmit UDP traffic externally and the rate of traffic is the same as when connected to the account15th January 2019Updated FAQ and QSG for Camera to be hard reset when deleted from account.20/04/2019
7th January 2019ERA Floodlight Camera &ERA Outdoor Camera Basic authentication is done in http; also, the Camera reveal sensitive information relating to ID, MAC and internal IP address in plain communication.15th January 2019Authentication now done in https and all sensitive data encrypted - Firmware fix:20/04/2019
7th January 2019ERA Floodlight Camera & ERA Outdoor Camera
Camera sends snapshot image to S3 in clear texts along with AWS access key in clear text15th January 2019Backend fix and firmware fix20/04/2019
11th January 2023ERA InfrastructureDuring internal audit, it was seen that some of our servers were still running on TLS1.120th January 2023Updated all our servers and services to TLS 1.2 29/01/2023
6th February 2023ERA TouchKey/ERA TouchKey moduleDuring audit with BSI the remote operation of the lock was captured and replayed at the frequency 866 MHz it was possible to open the lock without the use of the mobile application 28th February 2023Module firmware updated to resolve the issue. ERA_5s_pcb3_v2 was tested and released 12/03/2023
6th February 2023ERA Protect Alarm ERA 3555116 Audit stage One 1.0) the following ciphers supported by the hub were classed as weak at the time of the test (ciphers listed in report 355516) 28th February 2023 Released new Hub firmware that supported TLS 1.2 and above.12/03/2023
6th February 2023ERA Infrastructure The following vulnerabilities were identified at NIST Vulnerability Database at the time of the test: • nrf5_SDK o CVE-2021-29415 • Corehttp o CVE-2007-4060 o CVE-2009-3586 • lwip o CVE-2020-22283 Nrf5_sdk: There is not path available to fix this. The Risk is reduced by the fact that AWS authentication is required for all lock operations. We are working with suppliers and once there is a fix patch will be applied as soon as it is released. Core-http: Not affected with our version and this was accepted by BSI in an earlier audit. Lwip: We have fixed the issue with a non-formal release of the library.Monitoring and will be reviewed when patch is delivered.

ERA Vulnerability Disclosure

At ERA, we take the security of our products and services seriously, so it is immensely useful for us to get any feedback from researchers that can help develop our services. We operate a reporting procedure for the responsible disclosure of any security vulnerabilities. If you are involved with security research, please find details below.

How to report a suspected security vulnerability
If you believe you’ve found a potential vulnerability, please let us know by filling out the responsible disclosure form below and give us as much detail as possible. Please do not make any information about any vulnerabilities public or do anything else that may put our customers’ data or our intellectual property at risk, or degrade our systems.

What action will we take?

We will acknowledge your disclosure by email within 7 days of receipt.

We will then review the disclosure and provide our response within 14 days, and if applicable this will include a timeline to resolution.

We will publish the disclosure and our response on the table above, and email you at least once a month until the vulnerability is resolved.

If the issue is with regards to GDPR, then please be advised that the disclosure will be forwarded to our Data Protect Office, and the relevant procedure followed. Software – we will investigate, and if an issue is identified we will disclose this.

We aim to have the vulnerability resolved within 90 days of us being notified, and advise of any follow up activity required. Hardware – we will investigate, and if an issue if identified we will disclose this.

On conclusion of the investigation, we will provide an estimated time to resolve the vulnerability, and any follow up activity required. Timelines that we expect to follow:

Software (App & Platform)

Risk LevelTime to ConfirmTime to Fix
LowWithing 24 HoursWithin 90 Days
MediumWithin 12 HoursWithing 60 Days
HighWithin 6 Hours
Within 30 Days

Hardware & Firmware

Risk LevelTime to ConfirmTime to Fix
LowWithin 30 DaysWithin 90 Days
MediumWithin 30 DaysWithing 60 Days
HighWithin 30 Days
Within 30 Days

The timelines above are indicative depending on the issue raised and investigation required. Once this has been completed, we will provide a further update on the timescale needed to resolve the issue. The disclosure table above will be updated on a regular basis, until the issue is marked as closed.

Activity that we do not allow
We do not allow any activity that may interfere with customers using our services, or any activity that may result in the modification, deletion or unauthorised disclosure of our intellectual property or personal customer data. Please find specific examples of this below:

  • Public disclosure of personal, proprietary or financial information
  • The modification or deletion of data that isn’t yours
  • Interruption, degradation or outage to services (like Denial of Service attacks)
  • Spamming / social engineering / phishing attacks
  • Physical exploits and/or attacks on our infrastructure
  • Local network-based attacks such as DNS poisoning or ARP spoofing

Vulnerability disclosures that are out of scope of our vulnerability disclosure policy.

  • Accessible non-sensitive files and directories (e.g. README.txt, robots.txt, etc.)
  • Fingerprinting / banner / version disclosure of common / public services
  • Username / email enumeration by brute forcing or by inference of certain error messages – except in exceptional circumstances (e.g. the ability to enumerate email addresses by incrementing a variable)

Reporting form


If you have any attachments/ screenshots etc. to send, please email those to